Kohler Co. Unveils State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility In Casa Grande



CASA GRANDE, AZ (May 15, 2024) – Kohler Co., a global leader in kitchen and bath products, 正式向其位于卡萨格兰德的新制造工厂敞开大门, 公司领导主持了一场剪彩仪式. Among those in attendance were Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, 一些新的科勒员工填补了400多个全职行政和生产岗位, state and local officials, and Kohler customers.

“Arizona is a recognized hub of excellence for manufacturing, innovation, and sustainability, 所有这些都得到了科勒最先进的新设施的加强,” said Governor Katie Hobbs. “作为世界上最知名的品牌之一,以其对可持续发展和创新的承诺而闻名, 科勒加强了亚利桑那州快速增长的制造业.”

该工厂生产STERLING品牌浴缸和淋浴装置,占地面积约100万平方英尺,占地216英亩,并有未来扩建的空间. 数百万美元的资本投资以创新的制造设施为特色, ancillary warehouse, distribution center, office space, and cafeterias. 该网站还包括一个一流的陈列室,供客户和参观者观看前沿产品.

“We welcome our new associates to Kohler Co. 并期待成为更大的卡萨格兰德社区的积极参与者, contributing to its growing economy and quality of life, providing good-paying jobs and benefits, and offering opportunities for career development and advancement,” said Norbert Schmidt, President-Kitchen & Bath North America for Kohler. “新工厂提供了支持我们对STERLING的强劲增长预测的能力,以更好地为我们的客户提供最高水平的质量和交付. 我们感谢我们忠实的客户和合作伙伴,他们在帮助我们建立STERLING业务的过程中发挥了至关重要的作用.”

该设施融合了智能工厂元素和生产技术,创造了耐用和时尚的浴室, shower receptors, and bath/shower walls. 该公司还将跟踪关键的可持续发展措施,以尽量减少温室气体排放, water use, solid waste, as well as energy efficiency.

In March, Kohler was selected by the U.S. 美国能源部(DOE)清洁能源示范办公室将开始最高51美元的奖励谈判.2 million, matched by company investment, 在卡萨格兰德工厂展示商业规模的脱碳解决方案.

科勒的新设施是卡萨格兰德和亚利桑那州的重大胜利,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. “科勒的可持续制造工厂展示了亚利桑那州作为全球先进制造业首选目的地的吸引力. 我们很感激像科勒这样的标志性公司在我们州投资,同时在亚利桑那州农村创造了数百个技术工作岗位.”

“In opening this massive factory in Casa Grande, 科勒正在利用大凤凰城为其在美国西部的客户群提供服务的优势.S.大凤凰城经济委员会主席兼首席执行官Chris Camacho说. “这个全球知名的品牌已经找到了一个制造的家, warehousing and office space, and we’re thrilled to officially welcome them into the market.”

“卡萨格兰德市张开双臂欢迎科勒公司,并为该组织对我们的长期投资感到高兴. A global force in kitchen and bath, 科勒已经成为一个非常成功的前瞻性组织,关心并为当地社区做出贡献,” said Casa Grande Mayor Craig McFarland. “我们很自豪能让科勒成为我们社区不可或缺的一员.”

科勒公司正在研发一种电锅炉和微电网系统,预计升级后至少能防止7起事故,865 MT CO2e from being released annually. 这意味着通过消除天然气锅炉的二氧化碳排放,至少减少了90%的压制过程排放. Kohler will incorporate electric boilers, install a 21MW solar array microgrid, 使用68MWh的长时间储能(LDES)电池, 并安装12MW的hvo科勒工业备用发电机. LDES电池与先进的微电网控制相结合,消除了所有可能的太阳能弃电情况,使该设施能够在运行太阳能平滑的同时使用可再生能源运行锅炉, thereby reducing carbon emissions.

Additionally in 2023, 科勒支持了一个由博纳维尔环境基金会领导的多年cq9传奇电子论坛, Arizona State University, 普利司通将高用水作物转化为低用水作物,以减轻当地含水层的水分压力.


Media Contacts

Todd Weber, Kohler, [email protected]

Alyssa Tufts, Arizona Commerce Authority, [email protected]


About Kohler Co.
For more than 150 years, Kohler Co. has been a global leader in bold design and innovation, dedicated to helping people live gracious, healthy, and sustainable lives through its kitchen and bath products; luxury cabinetry, tile, and lighting; wellness products and services; and luxury hospitality experiences and major championship golf. Privately held Kohler Co. was founded in 1873 and is headquartered in Kohler, Wisconsin. 公司还开发可持续的生活解决方案,以提高当代和后代的生活质量. Its Innovation For Good platform addresses pressing issues, such as clean water and safe sanitation, 为服务不足的社区提供突破性的产品和服务. 大卫·科勒(David Kohler)担任董事长兼首席执行官,是科勒家族第四代领导人.


About the Arizona Commerce Authority
亚利桑那州商务管理局(ACA)是该州领先的经济发展组织,其精简的使命是发展和加强亚利桑那州的经济. ACA采用三管齐下的方法来推动整体经济:吸引, expand, create - attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, visit zurroundgame.com and follow the ACA on Twitter @azcommerce.